Title: Original Challenge Coin - Magnificent 7 Operation Iraq Freedom Amphibious Task Force West Description: Discover a piece of military history with this original Challenge Coin from the "Magnificent 7" of Operation Iraqi Freedom, part of the Amphibious Task Force West. This unique and collectible coin is a testament to the bravery and dedication of those who served in this historic operation. Key Features: Front Design : The front of the coin features a striking emblem, showcasing the "Magnificent 7" logo alongside the Operation Iraqi Freedom insignia, all set against a backdrop that captures the essence of this significant military campaign. Back Design : The reverse side of the coin typically includes details like unit mottos, deployment dates, and other relevant information that pays tribute to the mission's success and the camaraderie of those who served. Authenticity : This Challenge Coin is an original piece, representing the pride and honor of those who were part of Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Amphibious Task Force West. Collector's Item : Challenge Coins are highly sought after by collectors and veterans alike, making this a valuable addition to any military memorabilia collection. Size and Weight : The coin is typically designed to be a pocket-sized, durable piece with a significant weight, making it a symbol of strength and unity. Whether you're a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, a military history enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the significance of these collectible items, this original Challenge Coin from the "Magnificent 7" is a meaningful and tangible piece of history. Own a piece of the legacy and honor the sacrifices made by those who served in this important mission. Order yours today and proudly display this token of bravery and camaraderie.